Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Here's Somethin . . .

This is a clip of poetry called "This is For You", and I found it about 4 years ago, and I never want to lose this clip and I don't think I could ever have found it again if I did lose it. So here it is so I can keep it preserved: Hope you like it!

Well it has been a slow month. I am dying of heat stroke without a/c and cannot WAIT until I get out of this house. Well, I have mixed feelings. I am sad that I won't be with Gabe as often as I am now, but also excited because it means I am one step further in the plan and because I won't have to live in this messy pit of a place. Oh, the plan? It's not much except that aug 1st we're out of this house. Thats step one. Two, (and this is only assuming I pass my boards and get a job asap) I move in with /hopefully/ Ashliia if she is still down. I'm excited to have my own room kinda!

One thing I miss from LJ is that Blogger doesn't ask you what you are currently listening to, but if it did I would fill in that I am listening to "Divid" by Square Peg. Shilo Stroman! They are really good so you should check them out at Shilostroman.com/live

We have two episodes left of season 3 of Lost - AHHHH!! Its so addicting! I have dreams at night where I'm on the island and stuff is happening lol

I don't have much to talk about, and I probably won't have a computer by the time I take boards so wish me luck!!!

♥ KT


  1. Wow. How intense. I really enjoyed that Katie. I think it's awesome that people can express their passion with something so artistic and moving. That really made my night. And now I know where to go when I want to show someone that!

    My AC doesn't work either. Neither does my heater or defrost. During the Winter, I have to crack all my windows and breath through my nose so I can see out of my wind shield. It sucks. But now my heater decided to work last week. And it doesn't turn off now. It's fucking hot in my car and it sucks. Oh well.

    Thanks for listening to that song I posted. I'm really glad you liked it. I think you would really like the movie it is from too. I love it.

    Congrats on the house. I hope everything works out for you.

    See you soon,


  2. P.S

    If blogger asked me what I am listening to, it would be the orchestral version of West Side Story conducted by Leonard Bernstien.

    It's awesome.

  3. I'm glad you liked it!!! And I think its really funny that your heater doesn't work. Well, I mean it works, but not when its supposed to lol. And I haven't seen West Side Story since I was a wee little one! I should rent it.


  4. Dude, I have it; you can borrow it.
